Episode #63. This week on the podcast I am joined by Cindy Pedraza. Cindy is the co-founder of CocoAndré, a Mexican-American-family owned chocolate shop in Oak Cliff, Texas.
Cindy and her mom Andrea began their journey as entrepreneurs nearly 11 years ago after they were both laid off. Facing this setback allowed them to realize that they could create a chocolate shop of their own and began with less than $1000 between the two.
Today, they are proud to have built a business that represents their heritage, culture, and story as Mexican-American-Texan mothers.
For Andrea and Cindy operating CocoAndré Chocolatier is about making guests feel like family. As Cindy explains, “We want you to feel the love of home when you come through our door.”
Today CocoAndré produces some of the finest hand-crafted chocolate in the world, selling their treats from the quaint family-owned retail store to legions of fans and scores of businesses throughout Dallas and across the United States.
And their business has led to many amazing opportunities like being invited to the White House.
Today I am joined by Cindy and I cannot wait for you to listen. Cindy and Andrea’s story is so inspiring. They have not only built a successful business, they have also created a wonderful community around them.
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